Your car’s license plate could be the next thing to go digital
This has been a work in progress since 2009, but now California and Arizona are starting to adopt them.
Why head down this road?
- They can display messages to other cars to say “I’m stolen”.
- In the USA, your license plate follows you if you buy a new car, so you could very easily change it to your new one.
- It could also broadcast “Amber Alerts” to alert motorists that there is a missing child. They could even broadcast other statewide important messages too, like “wear a mask” as is currently displayed on many electronic road signs.
If this catches on, you might even be able to buy your next car with built in digital plates. No more ugly add ons, they could be sleek and part of the design.
Apple’s self-designed processor has excited the tech world
The new M1 chip really is the next chapter of Apple’s computers.
The iPhone and iPad have been made possible thanks to Apple’s self-made chips, and now they’re coming to their computer lineup.
The new chip delivers better processing performance than a fully tricked out $6,000 MacBook Pro using an old chip. It also runs cooler and uses less battery.
The challenge is that all the software that currently runs on Macs won’t work natively on this new laptop until it has been redeveloped, so it may pay to be a second or third adopter, rather than a first. It also means that iOS and Mac apps will be able to run cross-platform which will make app development more efficient
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