If you have an Apple device, you’ll want to install the latest update
Apple has released an emergency update to its suite of platforms – mac, iPad and iPhone – to fix a critical security issue which could allow a hacker into your device through your web browser.
Worse – Apple says these vulnerabilities have been used.
It’s very technical, but simply, through accessing a website the hacker could effectively get deep access to your device, and control apps as if you were doing the activity.
Known in the industry as a “zero-day” as the exploit is known and in the wild – so they have zero days to fix it.
Apple has released patches available for download now, and also an update specifically for the Safari browser.
Google’s Timer is back
Just search for “set a timer for 5 minutes” and it automatically starts counting down. It was removed because it had an “issue” but it’s back — and you may not have ever known it existed!
You can also ask Google to “flip a coin” or “roll a dice”.. or “do a barrel roll”.
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